Design Education for Public

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Jun 18
Exhibition PolyU Design Show 2021| Exhibition
Organizer: PolyU Design
Hung Hom, Hong Kong
| Free
一年一度理大設計展2021!// Go through this magnificent calendar that gives a glimpse of the memorable time we had at PolyU Design. Every torn mark, every image and every sound are heartwarming snapshots of our memories with our mentors and buddies of life.//
Jun 05
Exhibition 2021年度中大藝術系本科畢業生作品展| Exhibition
Organizer: 中大藝術
Ma Liu Shui, Hong Kong
| Free
中大藝術嘅平面設計比好多設計學院都狂野!好鬼 pUnK 喔!呢啲先係真正嘅時代語氣呀 DKLM !//二十四位畢業生懷抱著在戲謔與嚴肅、瘋狂與理性、哀痛與歡樂之間不斷擺蕩的心情,嘗試於困乏、艱險的漩渦裡覓出口。菠蘿和腸仔要用牙籤拮住。或許我們都有不願放下的堅持。 //
Apr 21
Exhibition Yeung Hok Tak: Hong Kong Showcase| Exhibition
Organizer: JPS Art Store
Central, Hong Kong
| Free
// Tak’s works explore the Hong Kong identity and recall collective memories. Painting subjects that are uniquely Hong Kong, such as public estates and landscapes of the country parks, through his endearing eyes, celebrating the rich community culture while bringing a certain sense of nostalgia in his canvases. //
Apr 16
Exhibition 利是事 Lei6 Si6 Matters| Exhibition
Organizer: Material Resource Centre
Hung Hom, Hong Kong
| Free
// 物料資源中心今年4月舉辦了「利是事」( Lei6 Si6 Matters) 的物料展覽。本展覽希望從物料、印刷及設計意念等方面探索利是封的設計,讓觀眾更深入了解這些設計元素之間的關係。 //
Apr 10
Exhibition Look: The Graphic Language of Henry Steiner| Exhibition
Organizer: Hong Kong Design Institute
Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong
| Free
Henry Steiner 在香港嘅首個個人設計展。雖然比較上次深圳蛇口嘅史上第一展規模小了一半有多,但都係值得再三欣賞的。
Mar 26
Exhibition Posterized: Warsaw International Poster Biennale in Hong Kong| Exhibition
Organizer: PMQ & Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Hong Kong
| Free
雖然所有展品都係 reprint,但對年輕設計師、學生同普羅大眾嚟講,係好嘢嚟。海報設計其實真係好多種類。
Mar 09
Exhibition 鑊鑊新鮮鑊鑊甘| Exhibition
Organizer: WMA
--WMA Space--
| Free
Oct 07
Exhibition 20/20香港版畫圖像藝術展| Exhibition
Organizer: 康樂及文化事務署及香港版畫工作室聯合
| Free
// 展品包括1940年代至2020年的作品,展示經典版畫及年青藝術家的最新創作…//
Oct 07
Exhibition 字裡圖間 ——香港印藝傳奇| Exhibition
Organizer: 康樂及文化事務署及香港版畫工作室聯合
| Free
// 「字裡圖間-香港印藝傳奇」為大家發掘活字印刷及平版石印這兩種傳統印藝的有趣故事。…//